

Ears are among the five sense organs of the human body. Like other body parts and organs, ears are also prone to suffer from numerous problems. Some of the common problems related to ears are deafness, otorrhagia and tympanitis. Out of these, deafness is the major problem that is suffered by most people. It is a common problem in elderly people or those advancing towards old age. It is due to decrease in the capacity of muscles and other parts of the ears to work properly. Apart from this, deafness may even be caused in young people as well as children. First of all we need to know what deafness is according to medical science.


Definition of deafness

Medically, deafness is a condition that is characterized by complete inability to hear sounds. Under this condition, a person suffers from complete loss of hearing any types of sounds. Unlike hearing loss deafness makes a person completely irresponsive to sounds. Anyone irrespective of age and gender may suffer from deafness. It may occur slowly as well as suddenly. The latter condition is generally caused by viral infections or some severe injuries.

Slow damage to the nerves of the ears or certain minor injuries may also gradually develop into deafness. Even deafness may be noticed in new born babies as well. It may be due to genetic factors or certain other reasons. It implies deafness as well as other ear problems is not just caused by one reason. Rather multiple factors may be blamed for causing deafness in a person.

What are the various possible reasons for deafness?

Deafness may be caused due to variety of reasons as mentioned below:-

i. Infections in the ears are one among the major reasons for causing deafness. Slow or even sudden damage caused to the ears may result in deafness in some cases.

ii. In certain cases, it is noticed that deafness is caused as a result of build up of fluids behind the eardrum. It results in obstruction of sound waves from reaching the internal organs of the ears. As a result, the patient is unable to hear properly.

iii. Some people have holes in the ear drum. The holes in the eardrum may be caused due to use of some sharp objects or some other injuries. Hence the person is not able to get sound waves properly and completely in the internal organs of the ears. This in turn leads to deafness.

iv. Any types of problems with the middle ear bones may also result in deafness.

v. Some cases of deafness are largely caused due to tumours. Occurrence of tumour results in blockage of the sound from getting into the inner ear. As a consequent of this, the concerned person suffers from deafness.

vi. New born babies get deafness from their mothers through defective genes. Family history of the disease may also result in deafness in the babies.

Ramdev medicine For Deafness, Otorrhagia &Tympanitis may be used by the patients to cure different types of problems related to the ears. It is a safe approach towards management of different types of problems associated with the ears.